North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

>Please help bring peace to the Balkans. I am confused as to why we are
>not seeing the pictures of bodies and the concentration camps that the
>KLA are claiming are there. The facts haven't all added up yet. Until
>there is proof and not just hersey, PLEASE dont let the bombings
>continue. I am a college student with friends IN Yugoslavia.  Must they
suffer and live
>in fear of their lives just because the government chooses to take the
word of groups like the KLA....KNOWN TERRORISTS, over the word of the
Serbians?  Even NATO ADMITS that such a "humanitarian state" has not
been shown proof of yet! Yes, the US government does seem to have a
vendetta against
>Milosevich.  Who SAYS Milosevich is in the wrong? Those facts have not
been made clear
>yet. Sure there have been some problems with Milosevich in the past to
SOME degree, but i think every nation has a few problems with their a resident of the US i can say that SOME countries have
this problem more than others. But the deeds of the Albanian terrorists
groups have not been
>reported fairly either. We are only being allowed to hear what the
>western media wants us to know....not the true stories of individuals
>who are only fighting in order to stay alive....under attack by NATO,
who is unjustly claiming the role of hero here. Sure, let us see more
pictures of Albanian children fleeing for their lives, but dont let us
see the pictures of death and destruction for the people of Yugoslavia.
I guess those pictures cannot be seen because it would cast a shadow on
NATO's heroic image.
EVEN EXIST. show them if there is so much proof....
     Do you think for one minute that if an outside group came into the
US and caused problems and terrorism for us that we would just welcome
them on into the country and let things be?
I think not....I think we would be out there fighting AGAINST the
injustices......just as the people of Yugoslavia are doing and will
continue to do until either NATO realizes that THEY themselves are the
criminals of war they are seeking, or until the last member of the
Serbian Army falls. Please let NATO realize they are wrong. And to the
Western media....doesn't it eat away at your conscience that you are
telling a one-sided story of a war to millions of people? I guess you
don't think there will be any blood on your may be wrong.
There is still time to bring peace...but dont let it all the
responsiblity lie on the aggressors, we must admit our
wrongdoings and act accordingly. This "humanitarian mission"is turning
into a blood-bath.

Stacey N. Scott, USA

nato jedinica sa F-117 se zove Black Sheep
ja bih ih sad prekrstio u haircut poor Fucked Sheep
samo jedan grumble

great greetings, Grumble